Discover biographical information for over 500,000 people, from antiquity to the present, along with thousands of images. Includes original profiles, articles, interviews, obituaries and more.
Contemporary Black Biography This link opens in a new windowProvides biographical profiles of the important and influential persons of African American and/or black heritage. Covers persons of various nationalities in a wide variety of fields, including art, business, education, fashion, film, journalism, law, literature, medicine, music, politics, science, sports, and more.
Contains biographies of over 57,000 people related to the history of Great Britain.Trades and industries covered: automotive, construction, computers, engineering, finance, food service, health, nursing, marketing, real estate, retail and technology.
Reference sources provide background information on a variety of topics and are a great place to start your research. Users generally consult reference materials on a certain topic and read entries related to that topic. These sources are rarely read cover to cover.
The sources list on this page are general reference sources. You can find subject specific reference books under Selected Reference by Subject in the upper left-hand side of the page.
Perhaps the most important reference source is our professional staff, available all hours the library is open and ready to help you with your research while guiding you through our print and electronic resources.
This database indexes over 25,000 records, covering an array of topics. The database contains various images, offers brief biographies as well as information in a variety of subject areas.
Full text for each record may be easily accessed by double clicking on the topic from the display. Gale Virtual Reference Library This link opens in a new window A collection of full text online reference books. Includes works in all disciplines. Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new windowContains entries from over 100 major discipline-related dictionaries and other publications from Oxford University Press. Coverage includes the sciences, foreign languages, art and architecture, politics, business, literature and more.
Defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150) of the English language and provides a searchable web corpus comprised of each text surviving in Old English.
Provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries, searchable by subject or keywords within the entry.OhioLINK resource: lists all English words (about 1 million) from Middles Ages to the present and defines their meanings at specific times in history.
Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new windowContains entries from over 100 major discipline-related dictionaries and other publications from Oxford University Press. Coverage includes the sciences, foreign languages, art and architecture, politics, business, literature and more.
Congressional coverage from Congressional Quarterly (CQ) for a 70-year period (1945 to 2020). Browse by subject, decade, or by a particular year's table of contents, or use the policy tracker feature to explore a specific policy topic. Includes access tables, graphs, and charts that help explain the issues.
Since 1792, the Old Farmer's Almanac has published useful information for people in all walks of life.
From The History Channel, Provides historical reference to events occurring on a specific day of the year.